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Top Ten Lawyers In Usa

So, who are they? Here is a quick look at the richest lawyers in the world, ranked from the lowest net worth to the highest. Please be aware that the people on this list are all practicing attorneys or judges. There are plenty of other "attorneys " with a considerably higher net value, but they simply possess a law degree and no longer use it.

Alan Dershowitz: $25 million

After graduating from Harvard Law School in 1962, Alan Dershowitz went right to work. By 1964he had become a part of the Harvard Law School school and in 1967, he had been made a full professor. (He retired in 2013.) While teaching classes, he was also making a name for himself in the criminal law field. Thanks to his reputation as the "top lawyer of last resort," he's a bevy of high-profile clients, including Mike Tyson, Jim Baker, Leona Helmsley, O.J. Simpson, and Jeffrey Epstein. In addition, he has written more than a dozen novels. Everything collectively helped him collect his fortune

Wichai Thongtang: $1.1 billion

Thought of by many in the sector to be "one of the top names in the profession from around the planet," Wichai Thongtang is a powerful lawyer in Thailand. After graduating from Thammasat University in 1970, he moved to corporate law, where he represented a number of top Thai executives and corporations and took the opportunity to learn about the stock exchange and investing. In addition to his law career, Thongtang is the Chairman of Cable Thai Holding PLC and owns 15% of Dusit Medical, a Bangkok healthcare company.

William Lerach: $900 million

Although he had been disbarred in 2009 because of his involvement in a kickback scheme, William Lerach had a lucrative career as a corporate attorney with a specialty in private securities class actions suits for over 30 decades, which is how he gathered his considerable fortune. Nicknamed the "King of Pain" and frequently referred to as the most feared lawyer in American during his heyday, Lerach, a University of Pittsburg School of Law graduate, holds the record for the largest sum ever regained in a bunch of securities class action suits for the $7.12 billion decision he obtained against Enron.

Willie E. Gary: $100 million

Nicknamed "The Giant Killer," Willie Gary has taken on a number of the nation's most important corporations, such as Anheuser-Busch and Disney. He has won some of the biggest settlements and jury awards in the U.S., including several cases valued at more than $30 billion. A graduate of Shaw University, he's now the managing partner at Gary, Williams, Parenti, Watson, and Gary, P.L.L.C., functions as a motivational speaker, and has appeared as a legal analyst on "The Early Show. "